Register for a Google Adwords account
- You can have several “Campaigns” under your account
- Can define your location for search results to country/province/city
- Can define language of search results
- Choose Keywords
- Need help with keywords
- When you enter your website address Google suggests keywords based on your website content
- You can also filter unwanted search results with unwanted keywords such as “free…”
- Google will give you the range of CPC prices based on keywords
- You can set the limit of each CPC cost you are willing to pay and a total amount per day. If you aren’t using your total amount for each day, the surplus rolls over for the next day.
- Can change/manage your details at any time: change the amount, keywords, budget, as well as cancel/suspend the account.
- There is a $10 set up fee – you can pay by credit card and one can pre-pay as well. A budget of at least $2/per day is recommended.
- More info